
Entrepreneur Schmantrepreneur

In Uncategorized on December 20, 2009 at 6:28 am

Saturday is supposed to a be a day off, a day away from the next idiot sharing with me their vision of the “Greatest Ever” and “World Changing” “paradigm shifting” and “quantum leaping” and “revolutionary” blah blah blah, whine whine whine, please give me $5M for my Round A Mr. Draper…

Not today; not me; not that lucky; no rest. No break from entrepreneurs stopping me at Bucks from finishing up a simple cup of coffee and a piece of sugary and wonderful pie ala mode. You know why they don’t call “elevator pitches” – “pie pitches”? It’s because I don’t want to ever (not today, not tomorrow, not ever) get pitched while I’m trying to enjoy my one piece of pie. Just one piece of pie. Is that too much to ask? It was today…

In the future, I’m putting up a card that says “No”.